Monday 10 June 2013

Week 1: Remembering how to draw..

I used to draw every single day.  I didn't even think of it as practice or work, I was serious about drawing for comic books one day (before I realised I could make my drawings move of course).  Needless to say I was pretty chuffed at my skill back then, there weren't many in my class at primary school, secondary school or even 6th form who could draw very my ego grew - how stupid was I?

I made it to Uni, did a year diploma in Art foundation (media pathway) and then onto a 3yr animation course.  My 'skill' was put into perspective.  I wasn't the worst, but it wasn't as easy for me to shine, I had talented competition all around me.  So I guess I slowly shied away from drawing everyday, the drive to do it fading.   That's not even the end of it, wait until you reach a VFX house, maybe peruse some of your colleague's websites, and allow your jaw to drop.

So I am not the best anymore, far......FAR.....from it (as you can see with these quick phone snaps of some drawings (I'll scan them in properly at a later date), but at least I am inspired again.  If you ever feel a lack in motivation for painting or drawing, just walk into an art shop - I swear the smell of fresh brushes and oil paint made me pause.

So, without further ado and in keeping with my new 'show your mistakes' motto, here are 2 drawings I've done recently, and find below my own observations....

This is some sort of Samurai themed gal, it started off well proportion-wise, but in the end I find her pose kind of stiff and boring.  I used free flowing floopy lines for her hair and couldn't apply that to her body, too many rigid lines.

At least this little homage to Rogue from X-men is a little more exciting to look at.  Kind of went for a mid-air cross legged pose whilst removing her glove - very dangerous if you're near her.  But I couldn't get her arm at the back correct, the angle and shape seem very wrong.  Will have to look at poses like that more often and do some studies.

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