So, I am inbetween matchmove/rotoAnimation contracts again! I am going to try and get some new animation out there (I think it's been about 5yrs since I've been brave enough to post anything - or simply because I got so wrapped up in being in VFX I neglected personal work).
This is the scary part now. I went into one discipline, wanted to get really great at it before I moved on but have now lost touch with animating - especially my favourite, cartoony animating!
It almost feels like I am fresh out of uni again, forgetting that I've been in the industry for 5yrs and have a nice number of films under my belt. All that means nothing if you haven't kept up with your own personal development! So I am doing the humbling act of going back to basics. I need to get the 12 principles of animation down, but not only make a simple reel reflecting all of the 12 examples, oh no, there's too much competition out there now. There are great online short courses spewing animators out left, right and centre. If I had the means, I would simply take time off and do a few refresher courses. Since this is something I have to save for, in the mean time I am left to my own devices. Although I am lucky enough to have a great network of contacts since I have been around 4 VFX facilities now - never lose touch with your contacts, an occasional 'hey, how's it going?' can work wonders in the long run, and you may be able to repay the favour one day.
Now the even trickier part, I've never not had a job (even typing 'unemployed' makes me cringe). My body is screaming at me to eat and play computer all day, catch up on series and there's also a mysterious urge to do DIY....
To keep myself in line, I have acquired the assistance of some animator friends to not only give feedback, but to also tell me off if I am slacking (some of us need a drill sergeant to get stuff done, I don't do well with people who try to butter me up). I'm quite lucky in that respect, they care enough to tear themselves away from their own work to raise me up and keep me moving (metaphorically of course). So, I'm going to write a journal of sorts of progression. I've already started a new walk cycle so cannot show off any sort of early days blocking, but I will show progress from now.
One thing I have to get over is showing work, even if it's bad. When I was still learning it was drilled into me to never show work until it's perfect. After a few years of growing since then, I've realised (in my eyes at least), it will never be perfect. It will be rough, mistakes will be made - even stupid ones. When you reach the animation or film industry there will be people there to point out your mistakes all day long so get used to it, it's how you grow. Why haven't I been able to apply this theory to my animation work?.... probably because I love animation, and it's scary as hell for someone to point out 'hey that pose could do with a little more weight' when it's like your baby.
Anywho, let's start with week 1.....